Process Post,  RainbowWay

Process Post #11

Multi-channel, Multi-media

My understanding of multimedia is that it is a complex combination of many things that can present information, exchange ideas and express emotions. It can display information, exchange ideas and express emotions. It allows us to see, hear and understand other people’s thoughts. In short, it is a way of communication. 

Bryce J Renninger said that the concept of multimedia aims to define the new environment with a surge in communication opportunities and its impact on interpersonal communication (2015). In other words, he believes that in a multimedia environment, media ideology helps people decide where to exchange certain types of ideas (Renninger, 2015). This reminds me of the current media environment. When we pay attention to a celebrity, we no longer only know it through newspaper news but pay attention to his / her Instagram, YouTube and/or other channels

At the same time, because of the current social network environment, the online community is growing day by day. Therefore, when developing my blog in this media background, I need to consider the construction of different channels to strengthen each other. The first participatory media I created were social media such as Instagram and Twitter. By sharing the post related to the weekly blog post on IG. Moreover, mention my blog link on the IG post to increase the audience’s access to my blog. At the same time, hashtag on social media helps me effectively contact potential audiences interested in specific topics.

Rapid advances in technology are opening new frontiers in the possibilities of interactive storytelling, bringing us closer to realizing this dream. The lines between story and experience, physical and digital, real and virtual, are blurring. The audience is elevated to the role of active participant and co-creator. The audience’s increasingly active role in creating story experiences is at the heart of all this. Audiences will have more and more power to create their own experiences. Therefore, I started this blog by making it clear to my audience through my “About” that I created a shared learning relationship with them. I would love for my audience to interact with me in the comments section or on social media and share their colour combinations or favourite fashion items.

Although my blog content focuses on fashion and colour matching, I don’t want to limit my audience to every post I write. So, I created the Colour Palette. In this section, I don’t talk too much about clothing or the fashion world but rather give readers a different perspective by sharing movie colours that match the tone of my weekly tweets. In the future, I may also integrate video-sharing platforms like YouTube and TikTok into my online publications because I want my sharing to reach a wider audience not only through graphics but also through visuals and audio.


Featured Image via Pinterest

Renninger, B. J. (2015). “Where I can be myself … where I can speak my mind” : Networked counterpublics in a polymedia environment. New Media & Society, 17(9), 1513–1529.

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